The New Bloomfield R-III School District believes that the guidance program is an essential and integral part of the overall educational process.
Since emotiaonal, social, and intellectual development is an ongoing integrated process, the guidance program must address the issues of total develpment from pre-school to young adulthood. Growth and learning are developmental with students' needs varying at progressive stages; therefore, an effective guidance prgram must provide structured, sequential activities to address those needs.
A developmental guidance program focuses on all students. While the counselor continues to respond to the unique nee of the individual, all students benefit from experiential activities that enhance their knowledge and skills in career planning and exploration, in self-awareness and interpersonal relationships, and in educational/vocational development. Proficiency in these areas serves to improve students' self concept, fosters better peer and adult interactions, and lends students a sense of purpose and direction in more effectively planning and controlling their own lives. Such enhanced competencies result in students a sense of purpose and direction in more effectively planning and controlling their own lives. Futher, these enhanced competencies result in students who are prepared to cope with life's decisions and to manage human relationships. Thus, the comprehensive guidance program is preventative as well as remedial in nature.
Guidance is an integral part of each school's total education program. It is developmental in design and by certified school counselors with the support of students, teachers, administrators, and parents. The guidance program includes:
1. Guidance Curriculum
2. Individual Planning
3. Responsive Services
4. System Support
Goals and Objectives:
The guidance program is designed to address the needs of all students by helping them to acquire competencies in career planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, and educational and vocational development.
Guidance Curriculum
the guidance curriculum consists of structured developmental experiences presented systematically through the classroom and group activities in pre-school through grade twelve . The purpose of the guidance curriculum is to facilitate students normal growth and development, to promote academic achievement, promote positive mental health, and to assist students in acquiring and using life career skills.
The curriculum is organized around three major areas: Career Planning and Exploration, Knowledge of Self and Othes, and Educational and Vocational Development. Student competencies to be addressed in these areas are identified in part through the use of the Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Student Needs Survey. While counselors are responsible for organizing and implementing the guidance curriculum, the cooperation and support of the entire school district faculty and staff are necessary for successful implementation.
The guidance curriculum is delived through such strategies as:
Classroom Activities: Counselors teach, team teach, or assist in teaching guidance activities in the classroom, guidance center, or other school facilities.
Group Activities: Counselors condut groups outside of the classroom to respond to students' identified interests or needs. Counselors plandand lead structured activities to develop skills and increase the knowledge of students concerning guidance competencies.
Competencies: (Scope and Sequence)
Competencies are statements derived from the Students Need Survey that is given to students, parents, and staff every three years. The results are complied and the curriculum is designed around the competencies in which students felt they needed the most help with.
Activities: Delivery of Service Logs
the actual curriculum is composed of activities that are designed at each building level based upon the Needs Survey. The curriculum is delivered systematically throughout the school year with each counselor working to maintain scope and sequence from one building level to another.